Do you have any documentation on the concept of Machine ID ,client ID and username? I would like to understand:
1) Username: Currently we have a trial account and connect via Postman using an username (my e-mail), password and client ID. These are also the parameters used to generate the authentication Token. What changes when we get a Production account? Is the username still an e-mail address? Or do we need to send the Machine ID (in this format: GE-A-00156333-X-XXX) in the parameter "username"? I have tried it, but with my trial account it only works with the e-mail, not with the Machine ID?

2) Account, Machine ID and Client_ID hierarchy: Regarding API Scope (entitlement), at which level are the entitlements defined? Account Level, MachineID/Username Level or Client ID level?
My question is, a customer (i.e. a bank) having one RDP API Account can have multiple Machine IDs and each Machine IDs can have multiple Client IDs. Is it possible to grant each Machine ID with different entitlements? Can the entitlement be even more granular and have one application ID with more/less scope than another Application ID?
3)Client_ID : overall what is the purpose of having the client ID?
Best regards,
Carlos Feres