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how do I initialize AdxRtHistory


Trying to create a com object for Interday data from Eikon com/.net API

I initialize myAdxRtHist as follows:

Dim WithEvents myAdxRtHist As ThomsonReuters.Interop.RTX.AdxRtHistory

However I always get myAdxRtHist equal to nothing when i try to request the data as follows:

The attached file has the function with the problem starting on line 59. What do i need to initialize myAdxRtHist to within the function? I'm using Interop.RTX.dll as a reference.

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You can use MyEikonDesktopDataAPI.CreateAdxRtHistory() to create an instance of AdxRtHistory.

If myAdxRtHistory Is Nothing Then
           Dim obj As Object = MyEikonDesktopDataAPI.CreateAdxRtHistory()
           myAdxRtHist= CObj(obj)
      Catch ex As Exception
           myAdxRtHist = Nothing
      End Try
End If 
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Thank you so much, I'm a beginner to .Net. I've been programming with matlab, python, and R. So I'm on a steep curve.

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I suggest that you use the .NET Data API for this, you can check out the tutorial here.

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