I am currently trying to source a full list of Loans currently outstanding for a given entity - essentially to match what is being displayed on the 'Debt Structure' function on the Eikon terminal. I am currently using the following to source a list of Active Bonds, mirroring what's in Debt Structure/Bonds:
org = 4295912121
fi_fields = ['BondRatingLatest', 'IssuerOAPermid','IssuerOrgid','IssuerID','IssuerCommonName','ParentIssuerName', 'ParentOAPermID','IssueRating','IssueRatingSourceCode','BondRatingLatestSourceCode','AssetTypeDescription','DebtTypeDescription','ISIN','MainSuperRIC','DBSTicker','IsGreenBond','IssueDate', 'Currency', 'RCSCurrencyLeaf','FaceIssuedTotal', 'EOMAmountOutstanding', 'NextCallDate','CouponRate','IsPerpetualSecurity','MaturityDate','CdsSeniorityEquivalentDescription','Price']
query = "ParentOAPermID eq '" + str(org) + "' and IsActive eq true and not(AssetStatus in ('MAT'))"
df = rdp.search(view = rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments,
filter = query,
top = 10000,
select = ','.join(fi_fields),
navigators = "Currency")
I was wondering if there was an equivalent way to source similar information on Loans? I understand there is a 'LoanInstruments' view available but wouldn't know what criteria it would use.