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Hi team, is there currently a way to search for SPAC deals using the RDP API?

I know we can query the M&A database, but wondering if we can do the same for Equity deals via RDP in codebook - specifically for SPAC IPOs. Using the deals screener in Workspace we would pull in a flag for "blank check or spac involvement" and set it to true. Can this be done via RDP as well?

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Screener expression produced by Deals Screener can be used as the first argument in the get_data method of Eikon Data APIs. The example below returns SPAC IPOs with UK as the target market and issue date YTD.

screen_exp = ('SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)),TR.NIisECM=True,'
              'relativedate(TR.NIIssueDate,YTD), CURN=USD)')
df, err = ek.get_data(screen_exp,
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Thanks Alex! Would something similar be possible via RDP / do we have any documentation around querying our deals database via RDP?

No. This dataset is currently not available through RDP.

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what if the blank check company hasn't yet found a target, is there a way to pull the blank check company row in even if they aren't yet in a deal?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.