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I am trying to use the Datastream API in R (using the R package DatastreamDSWS2R), but it is giving me a 403 error.

GAURAV.PNGI am trying to use the Datastream API in R (using the R package DatastreamDSWS2R), but it is giving me a 403 error. Below is the full text of the error message. Please could you help?

Error in .self$.requestToken() :
Error requesting access Token. HTTP message was: Client error : Forbidden : Client error: (403) Forbidden

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I got the same error when using an invalid DSWS account.


A DSWS user account (Datastream Child ID and password) is required to run the code successfully. The username format is four letters and three numbers (ZABC123).

You may check your DSWS account via the with the Get Token service method.


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Hi @Hamilton.Nactor

Do the same credentials work with Python or C#?

I have seen the 403 error with RDP where a licence has expired or the credential does not have the appropriate licence required to access particular content sets.

DataStream Tutorials | Refinitiv Developers

DataStream Quickstart | Refinitiv Developers

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