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What would be the URL or location in the documentation for this information?

Hello, we are trying to get the PEP role details. We were pointed to the SEQ-case-investigate-world-check-profile: Retrieve a World-Check profile PEP details endpoint.

We are specifically interested in:-

1. “roleDetails” key in the API response and subsequently its related information.

2. "roleTermStartDate” Key

3.”Role Status”

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Hi @gagan.ks

Can you download the latest postman collection from the below link and search for the "SEQ-case-investigate-world-check-profile: Retrieve a World-Check profile PEP details" API?

You will find the role-related details in its response to the PEP.

Let me know if you have difficulty consuming the API.

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The question should relate to the World-Check One API. Therefore, I moved this question to the World-Check forum.

You can download the API documents from the developer portal website or refer to answers on this thread.

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