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how to define input parameters for get_data


I am new to API and trying to learn. can someone provide an example to me of how to define an input parameter (RICs) for the API get_data (I would like to see If I can pass a list of selective RICs (may be as txt file) and based on that it return me the result in Jason format?


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@sameer.patel So you can of course read a list into an appropriate array where instruments are in quotes and separated by a comma eg: riclist = ['MSFT.O','AAPL.OQ','IBM']. If you have a list of RICs in a spreadsheet say, this can be read from a file using pandas (there are many types of read function including csv etc). I give an example of this in an article here where I have a spreadsheet called autoric1.xlsx - which has a column called RIClist.

riclist = pd.read_excel('/Users/jasonram/Downloads/autoric1.xlsx')
allRics = riclist['RIClist'].astype(str).values.tolist()


Once you have your list of RICs in an array as above (either from reading a file or building an array in memory from user input etc - you can pass that to the ek.get_data function thus:

df, err = ek.get_data(allRics,['CF_NAME'])

You should also be aware of the various throttling limits applied for the different API calls - these are detailed here.

I hope this can help.

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Hello @sameer.patel

Please check the Eikon Data APIs for Python - Reference Guide on the Eikon Data API Document page.

The get_data function supports a single instrument or list of instruments only, not a text file.

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Thanks Wasin!

So, It means if I am trying to pull the data for 200 companies, I have to write all the RICs in there ==> hard code? instead of uploading them from file? that's mean I can't get the data for all the companies in 1 go

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Hello @sameer.patel

You can get the RICs list from a text file (or CSV, etc), and pass it to the Eikon Data API get_data function.

You can find an example from this previous post. That example from that post is getting the list of RICs from the CSV file, but the logic should be the same for a text file.

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