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Excel formula builder: only 1 data point retrieved


I am attempting to retrieve pricing data between 2016-2021 for all constituents of the Euro STOXX 600 index using Formula Builder in Excel. The formula appears to work but only returns one result.

I have also tried retrieving pricing data for the same time period using one individual stock with the same issue occurring.

This is my first time using Refinitiv in Excel so I'm not sure whether it's a simple error.

Thanks in advance :)


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Hi @lena.demaison ,

To get the constituent list, you can use the formula below

=@RDP.Data(".STOXX","TR.IndexConstituentName;TR.IndexConstituentRIC","CH=Fd RH=IN",B2)


Then from the RIC list retrieved, you can get their TR.PriceClose

=@RDP.Data($D$3:$D$602,"TR.PriceClose;","Curn=EUR SDate=2016-06-01 EDate=2017-06-01 Frq=W CH=Fd RH=IN",G2)



  • the length of the time period provided is too long (rows exceed the limit), so I put the date until the year 2017 instead, you may put the shorter time range and call it multiple times instead
  • this is to retrieve historical TR.PriceClose of the current Constituents of '.STOXX' only

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Hope this could help

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@lena.demaison Please remove the two TR.IndexJL fields and add TR.CommonName field try the call again. I hope this can help.

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