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RDP prints for no reason

I have recently started to use the RDP API (Python 3.9.7) instead of the Eikon API. I have come across some strange behavior:

The Following prints after every request,

http://localhost:9060/api/rdp /discovery/search/v1/lookup None None

and every once in a while I also see the following

UserWarning: Unclosed <httpx.AsyncClient object at 0x000001E63E4C57C0>. See for details.

Which makes no sense as there is only one client working when I run this

To be clear - the request runs successfully and I get the desired result, but the prints make me wonder if I am doing something wrong, and If I am not doing anything wrong they are just really annoying.

My code is as follows:

import as rd

ric = 'AAPL.OQ'
fields=['TR.F.NetCashFlowOp', 'TR.F.EBITDANorm', 'TR.F.NormNetIncContOps', 
        'TR.F.TotRevenue', 'TR.F.TotShHoldEq', 'TR.F.ShrUsedToCalcDilEPSTot',
params={'Period': 'LTM', 'SDate':0, 'EDate':-60, 'FRQ':"FQ"}

j = rd.content.fundamental_and_reference.Definition([ric], fields=fields, 
                                                     parameters = params).get_data

stock_dat =

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

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Hi @jgarden ,

I still don't reproduce in a console, PyCharm or Visual Studio Code.

I need more information to identify the root cause.
To get debug traces, in same folder than your script, you can add refinitiv-data.config.json file with this content :

    "logs": {
        "level": "debug",
        "transports": {
            "console": {
                "enabled": true
            "file": {
                "enabled": false

Then check if there is any error message.

Otherwise, I suggest to upgrade to rd lib 1.0.0b9 and, moreover, to 1.0.0b10 that will be published in next days because it contains the fix that should avoid "UserWarning: Unclosed <httpx.AsyncClient object ...".

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Hi @jgarden ,

I tested your code with refinitiv-data 1.0.0b6.
Once I fixed the missing () in get_data call, I don't reproduce your issue.

Could you confirm you're using this last version ?

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I did a quick test with the RD Library version 1.0.0b6 and your code on the Jupyter Notebook, but I cannot replicate the issue.

However, when I tested with a Python console app, I got the same UserrWarning message. Could you please confirm if you run with the Notebook or console?


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Hi @wasin.w .

Yes I am actually using vscode and/or pycharm RD Library is version 1.0.0b6

thanks for your response.

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Hello @pf

The issue seems to occur on a console application only, not Jupyter Notebook. Could you please check?

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