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Connection dropped from ADS, but client is not notified

we have enabled trace logs, in ADS we see application disconnected after a while, see as below screenshot


Or client doesn't ping logs in ADS

In client logs, we see it is reconnected with refreshMsg, but after that no rates incomming

loggerMsg ClientName: LoginCallbackClient Severity: Trace Text: RDMLogin stream was open with refresh message LoginRefresh: streamId: 1 name: EDGE_flexi_UAT nameType: 1 State: Open/Ok/None - text: "Login accepted by host ip-10-116-hub1." isSolicited: true applicationId: 256 applicationName: ADS position: providePermissionProfile: 0 providePermissionExpressions: 1 singleOpen: 1 allowSuspectData: 1 supportBatchRequests: 1 supportBatchReissues: 1 supportBatchCloses: 1 supportOMMPost: 1 supportOptimizedPauseResume: 0 supportStandby: 0 supportViewRequests: 1 supportEnhancedSymbolList: 1 loggerMsgEnd

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To verify the problem, you need to enable logging in EMA.

I assume that you are using EMA Java.

Please create a file with the following configurations.

java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS.%1$tL %4$-7s %2$s %n%5$s

Then, run the application with the following parameter.

The emaj.log file will be created. Please share this file when the problem occurred.

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Hi, I already enable ema logs with TRACE level and this is the log I extracted, the other is only refreshMSG

loggerMsg ClientName: LoginCallbackClient Severity: Trace Text: RDMLogin stream was open with refresh message LoginRefresh: streamId: 1 name: EDGE_flexi_UAT nameType: 1 State: Open/Ok/None - text: "Login accepted by host ip-10-116-hub1." isSolicited: true applicationId: 256 applicationName: ADS position: providePermissionProfile: 0 providePermissionExpressions: 1 singleOpen: 1 allowSuspectData: 1 supportBatchRequests: 1 supportBatchReissues: 1 supportBatchCloses: 1 supportOMMPost: 1 supportOptimizedPauseResume: 0 supportStandby: 0 supportViewRequests: 1 supportEnhancedSymbolList: 1 loggerMsgEnd


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From the log file, the services are deleted.


The services may be down.

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hi @Jirapongse, by services you mean the ADS services are down?

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Yes, you are correct.

Typically, EMA can recover items when the subscribed service is up.

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