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How can I make work?

I am a student at Copenhagen Business School, the school has access to EIKON and Datastream. Therefore, I have access to the application called "advance search" in Refinitiv Eikon. From advance search, I have exported a query that uses the following syntax:
view = rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments,
top = 10,
filter =, 
select =)

Can I use the following syntax with the access that we have?

If yes, is there a tutorial on how to use the in python?

rdp-apirdp search
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Hi @edgr19ab ,

There's a great article on just that:

And I've made a python function for an upcoming article on how you may want to use programmatic search looking for bond data (see comment below)

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This function outputs an excel workbook with collected data. It is not finished yet and I am currently testing it:

My question is more: can I use if I only have access to eikon and datastream?

Hi @edgr19ab ,

Please try a search query in CodeBook on your Refinitiv Workspace/Eikon application under '__Examples__/01. Data Retrieval & Discovery/01.02. Refinitiv Data Platform Library/EX_01_02_02__Function__Search.ipynb'. For info on CodeBook, please see this video:

Failing that, please note that this forum is explicitly for API questions. Your question seems to be a permissioning one. For such questions please go to our help desk on

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