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Do Handles change during EMA Failover?

I understand that a Channelset can be used to handle failover in EMA.

I was wondering, in the case of failover, will all open items (ie connections to stream market data) automatically reconnect?

If so, will the item/instrument handles change?

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Hello @mzmuda33 ,

EMA implements "Single Open" approach. Please see EMA RDM Usage Guide -> Single Open for a description, upon the reconnect, EMA recovers open items, and they should have the same handles, so when the subscription is no longer needed, the consumer can unregister from the subscription.

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Hi @mzmuda33,

No the item handle does not change when the failover happens. EMA will automatically subscribe to all the instruments on your behalf when using Channel Set.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.