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How to Request Delayed Quotes

Is it possible to request a quote stream that is delayed (say 20 minutes) with EMA?

If so, is it fair to assume this would need to be a separate registered stream from a real-time stream?

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Hi @mzmuda33,

There are two sources of delayed quotes. First one is delayed by Refinitiv headend, and the delay is fixed and specific to every market venue. Requesting these instruments may/may-not be fee-liable. These RIC's have a "/" in front of the name. E.g. delayed IBM on NYSE can be requested by: /IBM.N

Second is custom delay using in-house RTDS. When setup, the delayed instruments are available from a new delayed service. This capability requires setting up additional infrastructure components. You can talk to your market data administrator about it.

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@Gurpreet, for my clarification, to receive a delayed quote from the Refinitiv headend I may put a "/" in front of any item and I will receive the delayed quote?

Can delayed quotes also be streamed?

If so, is it fair to assume then that 2 open streams would be required to get real-time and delayed quotes for the same symbol? For example ("IBM.N" & "/IBM.N")

Unfortunately due to logistical limitations I am unable to test this out myself to confirm at this time.
Yes, delayed quotes can be streamed. From the infrastructure perspective, there is no difference between a delayed and real time instrument, and they are treated as two independent streams.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.