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ResolutionToolkit : StatusId Pilot vs Production


Can you help us given the urgency of the subject,

Do the ResolutionToolkit values (statusId) change from the Pilot and Prod environment ? and where i can find this values (exemple 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwroou ) in the administration console.

Values from Pilot Environnement :

POSSIBLE / 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwroou

FALSE / 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwrop0

POSITIVE / 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwroop

UNSPECIFIED / 5jb8febdr1oi1gcwqfjgwrop3


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Hi @mibaraket , Thanks for reaching out to us!

Yes! The Resolution toolkit values (Status Id) will get changed for pilot and production. There is no way to get the resolution filed Ids from WC1 UI.

In order to get the resolution toolkit field IDs for a group you can utilize SEQ-pre-group-resolution-toolkit: Get the resolution toolkit for a group from our postman collection and you will get all the resolution fields and the Ids in the response.

Please feel free to reach out for any further assistance.


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can you please process this request urgently

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