We are having a problem with the connection token.
Some times, when we get the token from refinitiv we get rejected:
Getting the token:
{ "Domain":"Login", "ID":1, "Key":{ "Elements":{ "ApplicationId":"739590397752477c9d02dde57af75cf77f98b680", "AuthenticationToken":"eyJ0eXAiO...
[ { "Domain":"Login", "ID":1, "Key":{ "Name":"AQIC5wM2..." }, "State":{ "Code":"Error", "Data":"Suspect", "Stream":"Closed", "Text":"Login Denied:Failed to lookup sso token - AQIC5wM2..." }, "Type":"Status" } ]
[ { "Domain":"Login", "ID":1, "Key":{ "Name":"AQIC5wM2LY4SfcwgOg%2BShT6xwuDp%2F3uHT7p%2FVYezE8RTGHQ%3D%40AAJTSQACMTAAAlNLABQtMjIzNDM1ODM4NjMzOTgwMTMyNQACUzEAAjI4%23" }, "State":{ "Code":"Error", "Data":"Suspect", "Stream":"Closed", "Text":"Login Denied:Failed to validate sso token" }, "Type":"Status" } ]
If we reset the connection, it works fine.
This is happening randomly, most of the times do not happen actually.
Any ideas why this is happening?
Thank you,