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Recived token not working


We are having a problem with the connection token.

Some times, when we get the token from refinitiv we get rejected:

Getting the token:



      "Text":"Login Denied:Failed to lookup sso token - AQIC5wM2..."
      "Text":"Login Denied:Failed to validate sso token"

If we reset the connection, it works fine.

This is happening randomly, most of the times do not happen actually.

Any ideas why this is happening?

Thank you,

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Hi @miguel.alvarez,

Has the application been working in the past or is this a persistent issue? Are you using one of the samples for this websocket application; if so which one? Usually, sso errors occour during an outage at Refinitiv, so far I don't see any service alert for it -

On the side note, I notice that you have a long string in the Application ID. Historically, this is a number between 1 - 255, so can you please shorten it and try again.

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Hello @miguel.alvarez

This "Login Denied:Failed to validate sso token" authentication error message is generated from the RTO WebSocket server.

Does the application always receive a new access token from the RDP Auth service ( and send it to the WebSocket via a JSON login message? If so, please try to shorten the application id as suggested by my colleague.

If the problem still persists, please contact the RTO directly to help you verify the issue on the server-side. You can submit a ticket to the RTO support team via the website.


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