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Entity search returns result where as Record match for the same organization is not returning any results?

I searched for "Samsung Bioepis Co Ltd" in entity search and it returned result in organization but when I search for the same using record matching I am not getting any match.

I am attaching screenshot as well

Entity search with result


Record matching for the same without match


ss1.png (46.0 KiB)
ss2.png (65.8 KiB)
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I got the response from the product team.

"Search and Match are two different functionalities. Search does a name search for an Organization and simply compares the name text and gives all the matching results. In the case of search, a user only has one generic input. However, matching is for a different purpose. Trying to see the closest matching Organization. That involves multiple parameters to compare and rank the closest match for an Organization, Both are different."

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The entity name is "SamsungBioepis Co Ltd".


If I use "SamsungBioepis Co Ltd", the match will return properly.


1653884671234.png (13.7 KiB)
1653885132201.png (24.4 KiB)
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I have already check this but I wanted to know why this worked for "SamsungBioepis Co Ltd" but not for "Samsung Bioepis Co Ltd".

Even if used "Samsung Bioepis Co Ltd" Search will return a result correcting my input but why is not happening for Record Matching. It should also return a match correcting my input.

Is the logic behind entiry search different from record matching ? Is there any preprocessing done by search which is not available in record matching?

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I will contact the product team to verify if this is the expected behavior of record matching.

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