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How to identify the ultimate parent of a Fund Shareholder?

I am using RDP Ownership API and want to map the FundShareHolder to its ultimate parent. Please advice on how I can do that?

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Hi @wo ,

This is a two-step process:

    • Step 1: Make a request to fetch ultimate parents for an organization by using the endpoint ownership/v1/views/ultimateparent/shareholders-report
    • Step 2: Make a request for Consolidated Shareholders by using the endpoints: ownership/v1/views/fund/shareholders-report or /ownership/v1/views/fund/shareholders-history-report

And use the “FundParentId” from the response in step 2 to look for filed “InvestorId” from the response in step 1.

  • NOTE: For all fund Investors that do not have any parent (“NULL” value in the field “FundParentId”), the “InvestorID’ of the fund investor should be treated as the “UltimateParentID”
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