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EMA API - TREP compatibiliy

Hi , I have a question around Refinitiv API, namely EMA API. Most of our applications use RFA API in our TREP, does EMA API work /comatible with TREP we are using ? our TREP version : - adh3.5.0.L1.linux.rrg - ads3.5.0.L1.linux.rrg - dacs7.7.0.L1.linux.rrg Appreciate your confirmation on this. thanks.

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Hello @ryusuke.kamimura ,

You can check the API Compatibility Matrix file (sheet: Infrastructure Components), which is provided on the sites below

  1. Refinitiv Real-Time SDK - C/C++ - API Compatibility Matrix
  2. Refinitiv Real-Time SDK - Java - API Compatibility Matrix

This information can also be found in the file in RTSDK package

Hope this helps

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Hi @ryusuke.kamimura ,

I'd also recommend you contact your market data team to check the configuration on your server if it can be connected by EMA (as EMA can only connect via protocol RSSL and Websocket)

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Hi @raksina.samasiri

Thank you for your comment. Our TREP accepts/enabled for SSL and RSSL connection so we should be good in that case. Let us test and confirm.

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