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Why do I face with the memory error?

Here is the code:


data = rd.get_history(universe=['4295856055', '4295856249', '4295856359', '4295856557', '4295857081'],


interval='1D', start='2005-01-01', end='2022-04-20')


When I launch it in Jupyter Notebook, it shows the following error:

MemoryError: Unable to allocate 26.7 GiB for an array with shape (3587076645,) and data type int64

I am sure that 26.7 GiB is more than this dataset produces.

How can I resolve this issue?

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Hello @alekseenkova.marina

Sorry for the late reply. I checked the https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/93467/how-coud-i-retrieve-nda-rawnda-date-and-nda-rawnda.html post and I found the RD-Library expert suggested you test with the refinitiv-data version 1.0.0b9.

I tried this issue with the suggested version 1.0.0b9, and the code works fine on my side.


I also tested the code in this first post, version 1.0.0b9 also works fine too.


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Hello @alekseenkova.marina

I can replicate the issue with the given code and the refinitiv-data library version 1.0.0b13. However, once I updated the library to the latest version (1.0.0b16 - as of July 2022), the code works fine.


What is the version of the refinitiv-data library in your environment? You can check with the following command:

pip show refinitiv-data

You can upgrade the library with the following command:

pip install refinitiv-data --upgrade

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@wasin.w, I cannot upgrade the version because the newest one produces errors. Please read the thread here: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/93467/how-coud-i-retrieve-nda-rawnda-date-and-nda-rawnda.html Your colleague advised me to downdgrade it.

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