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How to generate New token with expired token

Hi Team,

Can you please help us in creating an impersonation token V3, in postman with an expired token?

We are getting the below error in postman, but in refinitiv, we can successfully generate a new token, with expired token details. (And for the new token generation we are giving expired token and application ID in the request header only)


Thannk & Regards,


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Hello @urmila.m

This issue needs to be investigated by the RKD support team. I highly recommend you contact the RKD support team directly via the website.


Please note that you may need to provide your username, input token, and the response message's ErrorReference and ServerReference values to the team.

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Hello @urmila.m

Could you please give us more detail about your postman request setting such as the request body, request headers, and request authorization?

I can replicate the same error message in postman by not setting the "X-Trkd-Auth-Token" Token in the request header. However, your use case seems to be different.


Note: Please remove (or hide) all of your credentials data before sharing.

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Hi Please find attached details.. Here i am sending expired token but response some times getting token expired and some times getting Object reference error! If i use same expired token in refinitv its generating new token successfully.



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Hi @urmila.m

Can you expand on what you mean by 'If i use same expired token in Refinitv its generating new token successfully ' - how or where are you using an expired token in Refinitiv?

If you refer to the tutorial on Tokens - you will note that you need to use the Refresh Token to generate the next access token.

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i have already contacted RKD team via email, they have suggested (is posting a query in the Developer portal Q&A forum (, as this may be answered by the community. ) and also they said that the parameters you are using look fine, ie

Endpoint :

Request Header :

X-Trkd-Auth-Token: [TOKEN]

X-Trkd-Auth-ApplicationID: [ApplicationID]

Content-Type: application/json;


Request Body:


"CreateImpersonationToken_Request_3": {

"ApplicationID": "[ApplicationID]",
"Token": "[ImpersonatedToken]"



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Hello @urmila.m

Can you share the case id?

Sorry, we don't have .. we have sent via email!

Hi @urmila.m

I have submitted ticket 11446200 to the RKD support team on your behalf.
The team will contact you via a separate email thread.

I hope this helps.

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