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EMA client id

I am trying runConsumer with the client_id (appkey for non-prod) and jks keystore.

Will the appkey generated using refinitiv appkey generator for Side by Side API, EDP

API, Eikon Data API work with EMA API? How do I add EMA API access to the appkey?

CommandLine.addOption("clientId", "Specifies a unique ID for application making the request to EDP token service, also known as AppKey generated using an AppGenerator.");
CommandLine.addOption("clientSecret", "Specifies the associted client Secret with a provided clientId for V2 logins.");

Thanks in advance.

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The example 113 that you are trying is specific for session management - i.e. connection to cloud. If you are migrating from RFA, most likely you are connecting to an in-house market data infrastructure. I would recommend that you start with the consumer 100 example for that, or even better - follow this step-by-step quickstart guide followed by tutorials.

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Hi @gopi.santhanakrishnan,

Are you connecting to the cloud - RTO infrastructure? If yes, select the EDP API option when generating the client ID.

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Thanks for reply. When I run the runConsumer with only clientId (and keystore/pwd, per example, I get this message.

/gradlew runConsumer113 -PcommandLineArgs="-clientId <appkey_generated> -keyfile keystore.jks (from example) -keypasswd refinitiv -itemName JPY="

Task :Ema:Examples:runconsumer113

Username, password, and clientId or clientId and clientSecret must be specified on the command line. Exiting...

Any help?

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Ok, the consumer 113 is an example of connecting to RTO in the cloud, and it needs the machine ID, password and a client ID. You can read about the parameters required in the readme file.

On Windows:
gradlew.bat runConsumer113 -PcommandLineArgs='-username <username> -password <password> -clientId <client id> -takeExclusiveSignOnControl <true/false> -keyfile <full path to the file> -keypasswd <keyfile password>'

Do you have these credentials to get streaming data from RTO?

Thanks. Consumer example works fine with [RFA host/port service_name ticker_items] [-u RFA_provisioned_user]
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No. We are migrating from RFA. How do I get credentials for streaming data. Is there a sample credentials to try it out?

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Thanks a lot. I will try runVAConsumer (ETA) consumer100(EMA). I see a difference in argument parameters between them?

ETA runVAConsumer takes RSSL Host and service_Name.

EMA consumer100 needs change to the java code RSSL host and permission username.

Can this permission name be same as provisioned for RFA where we pass the RSS host, service name and provisioned user?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Yes, you can use exactly the same hostname, username and service name as used for your RFA application.

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