Hi Expert,
I have some questions about nameTransposition in WC1 API. Please kindly assist. Thank you so much.
- How does the nameTransposition work when setting nameTransposition = true in WC1 API? for example, if send name = Emma Watson to WC1. does WC1 will use "Emma Watson" and "Wastom Emma" to do the screening?
- Does nameTransposition have any limitations?
- Does it need to do following process before sending data to WC1 via API?
- special characters such as ". , ' - / \ ~ ( ) & ^ # < > should be removed. (e.g. Ai-Ai --> AiAi, Noh. Ali --> Noh Ali)
- spaces should be removed (e.g. Gi Gi ==> GiGi, Lau Gi Gi ==> LauGiGi)
- all numeric characters should be removed (e.g. Ai7Gi23 ==> AiGi)
- characters with accents should be replaced and normalized to their accent-free counterpart (e.g. VŨ ĐUC TÂM --> VU DUC TAM)
- all characters to be converted to small case so that case sensitivity will be ignored (e.g. GIGI–> gigi)