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Websocket Real Time Optimized: Fields schema


We are developing a client for the Real Time Optimized API over websockets and we are struggling to find the schema of the Fields in the json message. We are interested in the ELEKTRON_DD service.

This message starts as:


The protocol specification (see here talks about the Fields (page 51) but gives no information about schema.

There seem to be several questions around this in here, but none of them point to a workable answer. For example, an answer to this question points to a dead link

while the links in the answer to this question all lead to the Reuters developer portal

So could you please point to a specific page or document where we can see the schema used for these Fields?

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Hello @nicolas.morandi

Sorry for the inconvenience. You can check the Real-Time field's definitions from the Data Discovery Tool website. The tool is available on the link.

The RIC Search tool is also moved to the link. The links to all development tools websites are available on the first page of the Developers Community page.


Additionally, you can access brief field descriptions + definitions in the RDMFieldDictionary file which is provided with most of our Real-Time APIs GitHub page under the "/etc" folder like page.

Hope this helps

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