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OpenPermId Match API does not return matches for the Person datatype

The permid API does not return record matches for the Person datatype. The API fails in 2 different ways, depending on if the input data has a single row or multiple rows, as shown in the examples below. Calling the API with a .csv file, csv string, or dataframe all run into the same issue.

The example files both use the OpenPermID Python library ( for simplicity. When using the permid API without a library, the same results are returned.

Example data is taken from

Example 1:


from OpenPermID import OpenPermID
import pandas as pd

opid = OpenPermID()

person = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['LocalID',
person = person.append(pd.Series(['1','Satya','','','Nadella','4295907168','','',''], 

output,err = opid.match(person, dataType='Person')

Issue: A match is expected but no match is found

Expected output:

Input_First NameInput_Last NameInput_LocalIDInput_OrgNameInput_OrgOpenPermIDMatch First NameMatch Last NameMatch LevelMatch OpenPermIDMatch OrdinalMatch OrgNameMatch OrgOpenPermIDMatch ScoreOriginal Row NumberProcessingStatus 0SatyaNadella1NaN CORPORATION

Actual output:

ProcessingStatus Match Level Original Row Number Input_LocalID Input_First Name Input_Last Name Input_OrgOpenPermID 0 OK No Match 2 1 Satya Nadella

Example 2:


from OpenPermID import OpenPermID
import pandas as pd

opid = OpenPermID()

person = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['LocalID',
person = person.append(pd.Series(['1','Satya','','','Nadella','','Microsoft Corp','',''], 
person = person.append(pd.Series(['2','Satya','','','Nadella','4295907168','','',''], 

output,err = opid.match(person, dataType='Person')

Issue: 2 Matches are expected but the server returns a timeout error

Expected output:

Input_First NameInput_Last NameInput_LocalIDInput_OrgNameInput_OrgOpenPermIDMatch First NameMatch Last NameMatch LevelMatch OpenPermIDMatch OrdinalMatch OrgNameMatch OrgOpenPermIDMatch ScoreOriginal Row NumberProcessingStatus 0SatyaNadella1Microsoft CorpNaNSatyaNadellaGood CORPORATION 1SatyaNadella2NaN CORPORATION

Result: There is no output as the server returns the following response text:

{"ignore":" ","errorCode":9,"errorCodeMessage":"Processing Timeout - timeout reached. Please try again later."}
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@Matthew Charters

I checked and found that I can retrieve the data properly.


Could you please confirm if the problem has been resolved?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

It does look like it's working again. Thanks for looking into it!
83.1k 281 53 77

@Matthew Charters

Thank you for reporting this issue.

It looks like there is a problem with the Person matching service.

I have contacted the product team to investigate this issue.

I will keep you updated.

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