How do I get streamId after calling registerClient.
consumer.registerClient( ReqMsg().domainType( domain ).serviceName( subService ).name( subSymbol ), client );
I want to get the stream Id for the subSymbol. How do I get that?
Hello @vishal.anand ,
I suspect that you may be looking for a handle that is returned by registerConsumer call, that can be used to unregister the item, for example:
long handle = consumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName("ELEKTRON_DD").name("IBM.N"), appClient);Thread.sleep(5000);consumer.unregister(handle);
If you are looking for the streamId it can be found in the received messages, in the attributes, for example:
UpdateMsgstreamId="5" domain="MarketPrice Domain" updateTypeNum="1" name="IBM.N" serviceId="356" serviceName="ELEKTRON_DD" Payload dataType="FieldList" FieldList FieldEntry fid="22" name="BID" dataType="Real" value="130.510000" FieldEntry fid="25" name="ASK" dataType="Real" value="130.540000"
Yes my bad, I am using EMA Real-Time-SDK-2.0.6.L1.linux