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ETA: com.thomsonreuters.upa.codec.Date month method

We are upgrading our application to use ETA API. To read date FIDs, we use this class com.thomsonreuters.upa.codec.Date. It has a method named month() to return the month in integer values. My question is that does it always return 1 to 12 to represent the months? Are there scenarios where the month will return 0 to 11 instead, similar to Java Calendar class convention?

We are currently using upa-8.0.0.L1.all.rrg version

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Hello @hermes.tanhueco ,

ETA is part of RTSDK is an open source API: so you can look up the implementation of the library.

In OmmDate.h I find:

/** Returns Month. Range is 0 - 12 where 0 indicates blank.
@return value of month
UInt8 getMonth() const;

Hope that this information helps

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But this one is for OMM CPP. Do you know where I can find the implementation of


Hello @hermes.tanhueco ,

UPA was the predecessor API of ETA. ETA was created based on UPA.

UPA was never open-sourced, so you will not be able to find the implementation of UPA, however, I think with a good probability the implementation of this aspect has stayed consistent between the two, this is why I think the insight that you will find in ETA C++ open-sourced code base is relevant to your question.

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