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China Convertible Bond: what is FID for accrued interest?

For China Convertible Bond, I am trying to get the accrued interest through the API hence want to know the FID for this information.

For example in the terminal if I look for CN123107=SZ, I see a value for accrued interest in the screen. I tried to use the display all fields function to look for it but I couldn't find a field having the same value. I see one field ACCR_INT (1350) which seems to be it but it's value is zero.

Please advise the FID for accrued interest and how can I get the data through Elektron


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Hello @francis.chiu ,

As advised by @h.aramyan01 , Refinitiv helpdesk is the best way for the customers to obtain expert advice about Refinitiv content.

Refinitiv developer forum is moderated by developer advocacy, we can be of most help with API usage questions, but typically have very limited knowledge of the many content sets provided by Refinitiv.

Thanks for letting us know that you have been in communication with Refinitiv content support over case #11707201.

Whenever you indicate that you require assistance with accessing Refinitiv content via API, you will often be directed to Refinitiv developers portal- as happened this time. We are glad to help whenever we can, and often collaborate with our content colleagues on the client inquiries. You can often save time by first ascertaining the required content and next, working on the API integration.

The investigation on the case is not closed yet, the latest findings from our content expert are:

"... As of now, we only have FID 1350 (ACCR_INT) to hold accrued interest for non-convertible bonds listed in SZ stock exchanges.
For Non-convertibles, there is no accrued interest from the current data package we have license with exchange.
As workaround, we can use the bond's preferred RIC to retrieve accrued interest via FID 1350, which is calculated by our pricing database.
eg: for CN123107=SZ, its preferred RIC is CN123107CB=.

... Note: For those bonds called (expired earlier), there is no preferred RIC, so there is no accrued interest data."

At this time, the recommended content can be accessed using Refinitiv APIs, or you may wish to await till the findings for the case are finalized, and the case is closed with you being informed on the resolution of the case.

I hope that this information is of help.

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Dear @francis.chiu ,

The best way to find field properties is to look at the Data Item Browser in Refinitiv Workspace/Eikon. Simply search DIB next to the RIC in search box and search the property in the opened search box. Here is the result that I have received following the logic I have just described:


You may see a couple of fields for accrued interest/amount and hopefully one satisfies your request. Feel free to let me know should you have any further enquiry.

Best regards,


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Thanks for your reply. I tried to look at the DIB but the value of TR.FIAccruedInterest is 0.2726, different from what I see in the overview page which is 0.2767 (attached). How do I get the accrued interest value from this page? Moreover I would like to know the FID. 1.png

I also tried to look at the all fields page under Quote, and see ACCT_INT with FID1350, but it has a value of 0


1.png (248.9 KiB)
3.png (63.9 KiB)

Hi @francis.chiu ,

I believe your question is related to the content, whereas moderators of this forum doesn't have deep expertise in content related questions (we help developers to use Refinitiv APIs and mainly address API related questions).

Since content expertise is required to answer this question the best resource would be the support team, which can be reached by submitting queries through MyRefinitv. The support team will either have the required content expertise ready available or can reach out to relevant content experts to get the answer for you.

Please mention that you were redirected from Developers forum and speak about the differences you have found in the system rather than mentioning about the API.

Best regards,



Actually I was redirected to here after I tried to call the support hotline.

I am not exactly sure if my question is purely related to content. Basically I wish to know how to get the value from the API so I need to know the FID of the related field. For the information I see through the recommended fields in DIB page I do not see the same value that I want, so I assume that is not the correct field. I see accrued interest is 0.2767 is the overview page and I wish to get the same value from the API. This value does not change throughout the day.



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