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How to set up a scheduled autostart program to run Python in Codebook?

We're using python in Eikon's codebook app.

We'd like to execute our code at specific time (e.g. daily, monthly...etc) on its own.

Please advise.

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HI @lydia.hong

Presently, you cannot schedule a run of your CodeBook application. However, this feature is coming sometime next year. I don't have any specific details when. You can always contact the Refinitiv Helpdesk if you would like more details - they will likely involve a product manager that can give you a better idea.

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Hi @nick.zincone,

Is there any news on this feature?

Hi @nick.zincone , is there any news regarding this feature?
Hi @jefferson.bienaime

All features have been put on hold the last I heard and no new information has come out.

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