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"Unable to collect data for the field 'TR.OPENPRICE' and some specific identifier(s)."


I am using the standard get_data function to download some data. I am getting the below error.

"Unable to collect data for the field 'TR.OPENPRICE' and some specific identifier(s).",

I am having the same issue with other india tickers like TCS.NS but not for UK tickers like LLOY.L

What is the issue?

I have code to download data in batch so this kind of error is concerning. How can I ensure if there is an error I can automatically flag it? Is err = None the best way to check for errors?



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Hi @vbala

When trying to figure out which data elements to use in your request, I would suggest you start with the DIB (Data Item Browser) within the desktop. Doing so, you can see the recommended fields for open and close.

For example, when using the Eikon Data API:


Alternatively, you can start using the Refinitiv Data Library for Python:


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I did use the DIB and found the fields. How do you choose between TR.OPENPRICE and TR.PriceOpen?

I used the former because it allows me to get adjusted prices, whereas the later does not have that in its parameters.

In addition, when I downloaded they data this morning, the same fields were working just fine.



This is strange, it looks like now the issue is resolved! Not sure what is happening here ... was there a problem with the feed? Thanks


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Hi @vbala

I choose based on if the value is populated and what the description details. When I did try the other 2 fields: 'TR.OPENPRICE', 'TR.CLOSEPRICE', I received the results without issue - which appears you also did in the morning.

From an API perspective, you are invoking a valid request. It appears there may have been a temporary issue with the service. If you continue to see this, I would suggest you use the "Get Help & Support" within the desktop via the help menu or by pressing F1 - the desktop team can provide a much deeper analysis within the data service.

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