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Trades - Realtime - RFA.NET Sample


Is there a Sample on how do we subscribe to Realtime trades (Domain - Request - Response) ?
For example,
I need to Subscribe to RIC: COMI.CA - Market Trades to receive below data:


Language: C# (.NET)


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Thanks for reaching out to us.

You can use the StarterConsumer example in the RFA.NET package to retrieve the data.

The retrieved data contains a list of fields that looks like this:


You can refer to the Data Model Discovery tool to see all available fields in each market or exchange.


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Thanks for your helpful response, i can now subscribe to each individual RIC Trades, But i have 2 further questions,

where do I find Execution type (Buy / Sell) of a Trade, currently i don't find it in the returned field list.

Also, is there a way to subscribe to All market trades at once or do I have to subscribe to each individual RIC?
For Example, Subscribing to Trades EGX (The Egyptian Exchange) and getting the below result

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If you are unable to find the required content, you can contact the content support team directly via MyRefinitiv. In the product field, please select the real-time product that you are using. For example:


Then, ask for RICs and fields that can provide the required data.

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