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ADH Total Incoming Data Rate for all Publishers


I am trying to monitor the incoming publishing data rate to an ADH. Are you able confirm the below shared memory instance from an ADH "adh.sourceApplicationPool.sslDispatcher.source.server.ipc.transmissionBus/bytesReceivedRate" will be able to tell me the total publishing rate all publishers connected?

icon clock
10 |1500

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Hello @jaymin.patel01

Thank you for reaching us. I have checked the ADH documents. I found only information about the bytesReceivedRate information in the ADH documents as follows.


I highly recommend you contact the ADH support team directly to help you with this ADH monitoring question. You can contact the team via the website.


adh-1.png (34.6 KiB)
icon clock
10 |1500

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.