I would like to download multiple Shareholder Activism Tearsheets at once. When I open the Corporate Governance Market Overview in Eikon, I can see a list of Shareholder Activism Campaigns with some high-level information (e.g. activist, target, status). However, I'm interested in more detailed data that I can access when I click on the Tearsheet of the campaign (see Screenshot 1.png). The problem is that I need this information for a few hundred campaigns and I cannot download all Tearsheets at once. The only workaround that I found so far was downloading every single Tearsheet, which would take way too much time. I already tried creating a Python script with the code creator, but I cannot make it run. When I try to use the Deal Number of the campaign (in the top right corner of the Tearsheet) as an identifier for the function, it only gives me empty values. I already found the relevant Data Items in the code creator (see Screenshot 2.png), so there must be a way to extract the data via Python or Excel. I believe that I haven't figured out which identifier/universe to use to access these Shareholder Activism Campaign.
So, I would be more than grateful if you could tell me how to download the data of Shareholder Activism campaigns on a larger scale. I don't care if it will work via Python or Excel, I just need a way so that I don't have to download hundreds of Tearsheets manually.
Thank you in advance.