I am having trouble understanding the issue with my error:
{"error":{"code":"56fd4342-550b-46f2-89ef-4fe959695b15","message":"Bad Request - Error in query syntax."}}
I've reviewed my syntax for the request several times and it seems okay. is there anywhere I can go to look up more details regarding this error?
edit: this can be ignored, I entered the link correctly and got the following message (with IDs removed):
@{"@odata.context":"https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/$metadata#RawExtractionResults/$entity","JobId":"________","Notes":["Extraction Services Version (______), Built Feb 9 2023 16:14:08\nUser ID: ______\nExtraction ID: _______\nCorrelation ID: CiD/_____/_______/RESTAPI-I/EXT._______\nSchedule: __________(ID = _______)\nInput List (2 items): (ID = ________) Created: 03/13/2023 17:06:39 Last Modified: 03/13/2023 17:06:39\nReport Template (20 fields): ________(ID = _______) Created: 03/13/2023 16:54:00 Last Modified: 03/13/2023 16:54:00\nSchedule dispatched via message queue (__________), Data source identifier (____________)\nSchedule Time: 03/13/2023 16:54:00\nProcessing started at 03/13/2023 16:54:00\nProcessing completed successfully at 03/13/2023 17:06:40\nExtraction finished at 03/13/2023 17:06:40 UTC, with servers: _______, TRTH (738.781 secs)\nInstrument expanded to 12 RIC instances: ESH24 to ESZ3.\nInstrument expanded to 20 RIC instances: ESH24-M24 to ESZ3-M24.\nTotal instruments after instrument expansion = 32\n\n\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESH3) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESH3-M3) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESM3) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESU2) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESU2-H3) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESU2-M3) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESU2-Z2) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESU3) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESZ2) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESZ2-H3) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESZ2-M3) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESZ24) - Not in Broker Package\nQuota Message: WARNING: Not permissioned to extract Instrument (RIC, ESZ3) - Not in Broker Package\n"]}