I can connect and get real time data by using below, but I can not find how to get volume and market board information(depth) by using websocket API. I am using this python file [market_price_rdpgw_service_discovery.py]. As for FX(ric = 'JPY='), I can not see the volume at all.
I am glad if you tell me how to get these data(volume and market depth) or what parameters I should set up, etc. Or In order to get market depth(board infomation) in real time, Should I use other services, etc.

<Market Depth or Board Information Image>
BuyPrice1 100 BuySize1 1M SellPrice1 105 SellSize1 2M
BuyPrice2 101 BuySize2 1.1M SellPrice2 104 SellSize2 2.4M