Hi Support
our trading plarform HK stock name in Chinese page are not shown properly. I have reported to Thomsan Reuters Customer support and they cant help us and direct us to this developer portal to log this case. We need help from your urgently
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Field 1352 or “DSPLY_NMLL” use RMTES (Reuters Multilingual TextEncoding Standard) string and it can be displayed by converting to UTF-8.
For SFC C++ API, you can use RTRUTF8String class which provide aconvenient and efficient way for applications to represent RMTES characters inUTF-8 format.
Here is an example.
void RecordSnapshotClient::processSnapshotSync(RTRSnapshotRecord& record){ // Access each field from the record using an iterator RTRSnapshotRecordIterator iterator = record.iterator(); for (iterator.start(); !iterator.off(); iterator.forth()) { // Print the name and value of each field RTRSnapshotField& field = iterator.field(); // If field id = 1352 then use RTRUTF8String if (field.fid() == 1352) { RTRUTF8String utf8(field.to_c(), field.count(), RTRUTF8String::RMTES); if (!utf8.error()) { printf("%s %s\n", (const char *)field.name(), utf8.to_c()); } } else { printf("%s %s\n", (const char *)field.name(), (const char *)field.string()); } }
For SFC Java API, you have to enable RMTES conversion by setting thesetRMTESConversion(boolean conversion) of RTRecord or RTField to true.
For EMA C++ API, you can use RmtesBuffer class.
const FieldEntry& fe = fieldList.getEntry();rmtesBuffer.apply( fe.getRmtes() );cout << rmtesBuffer.toString() << endl;
It could be RMTES_STRING. For example, for 2018.HK, the DSPLY_NMLL in RMTES_STRING will look like:
After converting to UTF8, it will display:
Typically, there is an example code in the API developer guide which shows how to convert RMTES to UTF8 or UCS2. The following code is for RFA C++.
RMTESConverter converter; PartialUpdateReadIterator partialReadIt; if ( dataBuffer.isPartialUpdates() ) { partialReadIt.start( dataBuffer.getBuffer() ); while ( !partialReadIt.off() ) { fieldUpdatedBuf = partialReadIt.value(); offset = partialReadIt.offset(); converter.setBuffer( fieldUpdatedBuf, offset ); partialReadIt.forth(); } // For update msg display vector = converter.getAsShortString() } else { converter.setBuffer( dataBuffer.getBuffer() ); // For refresh msg display vector = converter.getAsShortString(); }
In RFA C++, RMTESConverter is an interface to be used to convert RMTES encoded string into a string of Unicode format.
RMTESConverter::getAsCharString() returns the converted string in UTF8 format and RMTESConverter::getAsShortString() returns the converted string in UCS2 format.