Hi,I need to know how to request a API Key from Refinitiv and use it to access the ESG Ratings data through it.Best,Khushal
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Hello @khushal.agarwal
Thank you for contacting us. Could you please let me know which API you are going to use? The Eikon Data API or RDP API?
Eikon Data API
If you want to use the Eikon Data API, you can generate your App Key from the Eikon/Workspace App Key Generator tool. You can find the app by typing "AppKey" in the Eikon/Workspace search bar.
Please check the "Eikon Data API" checkbox
Refinitiv Data Platform
Suppose you want to consume data from the Refinitiv Data Platform (either via a direct REST API call or Refinitiv Data Libraries). In that case, you can generate your App Key from the App Key Generator website. Assuming that you already have the RDP username and password, please access the https://apidocs.refinitiv.com/Apps/ApiDocs website and click the "AppKey Generator" link on the page.
Please check the" EDP API" check box.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.