On our Pilot environment (Inter Mutuelles Assistance GIE – API – PILOT), we have had instances of duplicates created cases :
Tests carried out on Wednesday 07/06 at 10:20 a.m.
Case 1: Alban TALLUAU
Technical id refinitiv : 5jb7z0fs30311hqazmsddu707
correct caseID: PIVTALLUAUALBANF31265598
wrong caseID: PIVTALLUAUALBAN19791123
Case 2: Cedrick MARTIN
Technical id technique: 5jb6qgbnie8w1hqb7k67bg94m
correct caseID: LMDMARTINCEDRICKF31265642
wrong caseID : LMDMARTINCEDRICK19940114
In both cases, we only sent the correct caseID, but a case with the wrong caseID was created, although we did not send anything else
Can you verify that we only sent one case for each of the two examples. And maybe give us your logs of incoming requests from IMA PILOT account? We want to be sure the problem is on your end and not ours