Hi community, I am trying to download the quarterly data for percentage of shares held by Institutional investors.
When I try and download data i get the following error :
EikonError: Error code 408 | HTTP TimeoutException: .
Does anyone know what is going wrong? Please see attached the picture and code.
@Jirapongse Your help would be highly appreciated.
df,err = ek.get_data("List('io-july2023')", [
'TR.InvestorTypeId'],parameters={'EDate':'-20', 'Period':'FQ0','Frq':'FQ',"TheInvestorType":"101:102:103:104:106:107:108:110:112:113:114:116:117:302:304:401:402:403:404:405:406:407:408:409:410:411:412"})
#EDate is the number of quaters
#I want to calculate the number of shares held by investors quarterly from 30 june 2023 - 5 years back which is 20 quarters back.
# I want data for the following dates one by one:
#1. from 30 june 2020 -5 years back
#2. from 30 june 2021 -5 years back
#3. from 30 june 2022 -5 years back
#4.from 30 june 2023 -5 years back