Is it possible to run reports via python on an aws server?
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Hello @Marina.Contato
I am assuming that you want to run the Refinitiv Data Library for Python on the AWS server (EC2 or other services?)
If so, the Python is multi-platform language. The AWS services that support Python (and Python package) should be able to run Python and RD Library.
There are some articles about the Python Library and the AWS Cloud as follows:
### Caution ###
Please note that the Desktop session needs Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace in run in the same machine as the application. It means you can use the Platform Session (RDP) on the cloud only, not the Desktop Session.
I hope this information helps.
Thank you!
And will it cause a problem with licensing as it would be running from a computer other than that of the designated individual i.e. my laptop?
HI @Marina.Contato,
You have posted this question under Refinitiv Data Platform, so wanted to confirm that this is the product you are inquiring about.
If so, yes, RDP is a REST'ful API and can be used from any machine on the internet, including AWS and there would be no licensing issues.
is pricing data (what I need to run from a computer other than that of the designated individual) under Refinitiv Data Platform? I confess I wasn't sure which service I had to select.
Are you an existing Refinitiv customer? If so, what products are you using right now? I think it would be worthwhile to speak about your data needs to a Refinitiv account manager.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.