In the python starter code for RDP the following can be used for the funds API:
EDP_version = "/v1"
base_URL = ""
category_URL = "/data/funds"
endpoint_URL = "/assets"
RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = base_URL + category_URL + EDP_version + endpoint_URL
lipperID = "40003333"
requestData = {
"symbols": lipperID,
"properties": "names"
dResp = requests.get(RESOURCE_ENDPOINT, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken}, params = requestPayload)
What kind of `requestData` should I use for prices/filter NAV, with start and end prices ? as follows:[start:2023-01-09%3Bend:2023-01-10%3Bfilter:nav]&symbols=SPY.N,QQQ.N,FCNTX
I tried:
symbols = "SPY.N,FCNTX"
requestData = {
"symbols": symbols,
"properties": "prices",
"filter": "MID",
"start": "2018-02-01",
"end": "2018-05-05"
but that did not take into account start end or the filter
symbols = "SPY.N,FCNTX"
requestData = {
"symbols": symbols,
"properties": "prices[start:2023-01-09%3Bend:2023-01-10%3Bfilter:nav]",
"start": "2018-02-01",
"end": "2018-05-05"
which gave an error