I recently noticed the deprecation notice about Eikon on RD 1.5.0:
FutureWarning: The refinitiv.data.eikon module will be removed in future library version v2.0. Please install and use the 'eikon' Python library instead or migrate your code to the Refinitiv/LSEG Data Library
So I decided to check if I could transition to Refinitiv Data without rewriting and checking all my fields/formulas. It turns out that this is not possible. I need to check each field individually if it is returned by rd.getdata()
Take for example the following code snippet:
import refinitiv.data as rd
fields = ["CF_CURR", "CF_EXCHNG", "TR.PriceClose.Currency", "TR.InstrumentType", "TR.ExchangeName", "DSPLY_NAME"]
EikonData = rd.eikon.get_data(instruments= "AAPL.O", fields= fields)
RD_Data = rd.get_data(universe="AAPL.O", fields= fields)
As can be observed from below rd.get_data() does not return:
As Eikon will be deprecated at a currently to me unknown date it is extremely important to know upfront which fields will be returned correctly and which will not be returned. I cannot and I don't want to deal with this kind of unexpected surprises in automated workflows.
Therefore a complete list of fields that are no longer working in rd.get_data() but are in rd.eikon.get_data() has to be made available!
Finally the lack of communication about the changes in RD is appalling. This is not a 100 USD a month service! Why is there no mailing list that automatically sends me updates on new versions and release notes within these versions. I pay serious money for this service and expect for this also a professional handled API service. Not some cowboys that randomly change the content of functions and then suddenly deprecates the cornerstone module in the API without any help or thought about transitioning!
Also maintaining two libraries (Eikon and RD) in one project is terrible and for sure unadvisable. It has already occurred that RD and Eikon python package had conflicting dependencies, which resulted in the situation that both packages could not be installed in the same environment!
eikon code book snapshot proving that this is a real problem: