Hi guys,
We subscribe 14 RIC for get reference rate data, the method to get data is trigger scheduler to retrieve data which trigger when 5 minutes after publication time of RIC. Scheduler trigger 3 times with delay 5 minutes , 10 minutes and 15 minutes.
After develop and testing program, this program seem fine but after deploy to production, problem comes up.
SOFR Rate ( .SR1M , .SR3M , .SR6M , SR1Y ) doesn't update daily and only update at friday , after investigate raw message from source, the cause is VALUE_TS1 field disapper which is odd because when develop VALUE_TS1 exist.
Here field that used :
VALUE_DT => date
VALUE_TS => waktu
So my question is:
1. is this problem common (data field disapper or changed) in all RIC ?
any possibility happen in all RIC that i subscibe ?
2. we investigate more the raw message, i found out that there are case that in rage 2 hours (17:00 - 18:00) Indonesia time , any field that i use exist but the value null, but in same day, after that range the value provided. In that case , is common happen and how to mitigate that ? (cause i am not found field that can replace field that i used)
Or do you have certain range of time to maintance your data , so i can implement retry method , if the field null or not existed ?
3. this problem brought me to more deeply understand of your data and found out interesting feature https://developers.lseg.com/en/tools-catalog/ric-search
and https://refinitiv.fixspec.com/stack/specs/elektron/world/world-refinitiv/29-0-1/2693-bonds-contributed-refinitiv-real-timemisc , so i conclude maybe because i use deprecated field, thats why its existence is uncertain.
Could you help me to explain about presence in filter ? (core , optional, if available)
4. Could you help me to mapping message from refinitiv, to get data that i use ( reference rate , publication date and time , loan term or installment duration ) to all ric ?
Note :
RIC Profile and sample data .SR1Y attached