Hi I would like to retrieve M&A corporate action for a list of instruments over a period of time. I tried to modify the code from github (GitHub - LSEG-API-Samples/Example.EikonAPI.Python.CompanyEvents: This is an example of retrieving company events using Eikon Data APIs.) but i am not getting the result I want.
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import os
import eikon as ek
start_date = '2023-12-01'
end_date = '2024-01-01'
events_df, err = ek.get_data(instr,['TR.MnASDCDealNumber','TR.MnAAnnDate','TR.MnATarget','TR.MnATargetPermId','TR.MnAAcquiror','TR.MnAAcquirorPermId'],{'SDate':start_date, 'EDate':end_date})
What I get is a full list of all M&A actions regarding the company:
Instrument SDC Deal No Date Announced Target Full Name Target PermID Acquiror Full Name Acquiror PermID
0 CNE1000004M7 1686349040 2005-08-13 Shandong Weiqiao Chuangye Group Co Ltd-Thermal Power Assets <NA> Weiqiao Textile Co Ltd 4295864451.0
1 CNE1000004M7 1943363040 2008-01-14 Shandong Weiqiao Chuangye Group Co Ltd-Thermal Power Assets <NA> Weiqiao Textile Co Ltd 4295864451.0
2 CNE1000004M7 2009892040 2008-09-04 Zouping Gaoxin Thermal Power Co Ltd-Thermal Power Assets <NA> Weiqiao Textile Co Ltd 4295864451.0
3 CNE1000004M7 2162905040 2010-03-09 Weiqiao Textile Co Ltd- Machines and equipments <NA> Seeking Buyer <NA>
4 CNE1000004M7 2425465040 2012-06-15 Weiqiao Textile Co Ltd-Thermal Power Assets <NA> Binzhou Zhonghai Venture Capital Investment&Operation Co Ltd 5037624052.0
5 CNE1000004M7 2688747040 2014-10-21 Shandong Weiqiao Chuangye Group Co Ltd-Asset <NA> Weiqiao Textile Co Ltd 4295864451.0
6 CNE1000004M7 2929420040 2015-12-18 Zouping Changshan Industry Co Ltd-Thermal Power Assets <NA> Weiqiao Textile Co Ltd 4295864451.0
7 CNE1000004M7 4165120040 2023-12-04 Weiqiao Textile Co Ltd 4295864451.0 Shandong Weiqiao Textile Technology Co Ltd <NA>
What I really need is corporate action number 7.
How can I modify my code to get what I want?