we using DfAddPeriod(USA,TODAY(),"1wd") method to retrieve calendar date in Excel
now we want to migrate the logic to microservices.
so does it have ema java api to instead of the DfAddPeriod(USA,TODAY(),"1wd")?
Hello @denny.w.h.zhong,
The function DfAddPeriod is from Adfin analytics library and is not available through the Real time SDK (EMA). I am not aware of what this function does, but EMA can only provide the real time streaming or snapshot data for an instrument. For simple analytics, it might be possible for you to get all the ticks for an instrument and do your own calculations.
hi Gurprent,
the DfAddPeriod is used to retrieve calendar date for currency.
is it possible for you that provide ric and field's name to subscribed and return the calendar date for currency
Hi @denny.w.h.zhong,
The EMA SDK can only provide the current (real time) trading date and time of the FX instrument. For example, here is an update I receive for CAD= which shows the quote date and time and time in milliseconds UTC when this event occurred.
"ACTIV_DATE":"2024-01-10","ACT_TP_1":"B\u21e7","ACT_TP_2":"B\u21e9","ACT_TP_3":"B\u21e9","ACVOL_1":35264,"ASK":1.3379,"BCKGRNDPAG":" ","BID":1.3378,"BIDPCTCHNG":-0.08,"BID_NET_CH":-0.0011,"BID_TICK_1":"\u21e7","CTBTR_1":"ZUERCHER KB ","CTB_LOC1":"ZUR","CTB_PAGE1":" ","DLG_CODE1":"ZKBZ ","DSPLY_NAME":"ZUERCHER KB ZUR","EURO_BNC":-0.0006,"MID_NET_CH":-0.0012,"MID_PRICE":1.3379,"NETCHNG_1":-0.0011,"NUM_BIDS":35264,"OFFCL_CODE":"ZKBZ ","PCTCHNG":-0.08,"PRIMACT_1":1.3378,"QUOTE_DATE":"2024-01-10","QUOTIM":"14:35:11","QUOTIM_MS":52511260,"SEC_ACT_1":1.3379,"TIMACT":"14:35:00","US_BNC":-0.0011,"VALUE_DT1":"2024-01-10","VALUE_TS1":"14:35:11","VALUE_TS2":"14:35:10","VALUE_TS3":"14:35:09"