I am looking to get a list of all RICs for Shanghai Stock Exchange equities and Shenzhen Stock Exchange equities. I have been referencing this article (https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/all-rics-available-on-elektron-realtime) and I recently found this tool (https://developers.lseg.com/en/tools-catalog/ric-search). Based on these resources, I think I need to make a RDM symbol list request using a RIC wildcard for these exchanges. I think the RIC wildcard for Shanghai Stock Exchange RICs would be "%.SS" and the RIC wildcard for Shenzhen Stock Exchange RICs would be "%.SZ". I think the symbol list request message's message key flags need to have RSSL_MKF_HAS_NAME and RSSL_MKF_HAS_NAME_TYPE. I need to set the msg_key nameType field to RDM_INSTRUMENT_NAME_TYPE_RIC and the msg_key name field should be set to the RIC wildcard that specifies the list I am requesting (e.g. "%.SS"). I have a few questions. I unfortunately do not have the ability to readily test against a real production UPA server, so I need to do as much up-front checking of my understanding to make sure things work as expected.
First, is my current understanding of how to make this request correct and is this the request I am looking for? That is, will this return a symbol list refresh message containing the Shanghai Stock Exchange RICs and Shenzhen Stock Exchange RICS.
Second, assuming this is correct, is there any way I can aggregate this request using an OR condition? For example, setting the msg_key name field to "%.SS|%.SZ".
Finally, what other methods are available to me to request RICs for those equities. It seems from the article I am able to using the Exchange name or the numeric Exchange ID as given by the RDN_EXCHID in the enum type dictionary for the UPA server. In those cases, would those go into the msg_key name field as is? For example, if I chose to request these RICs via Exchange name, would the msg_key name field simply be "Shanghai Stock Exchange"? Similarly, would the msg_key name field be something like "RDN_EXCHID=XXX" if I wanted to request by Exchange ID?
Thank you very much