Hello everyone! I'm currently progressing on a project focused on companies that have been delisted. For this project, I'm utilizing the Refinitiv Search API. I've successfully managed to extract data on US companies that were delisted, including the reasons for their delisting, which are currently limited to two categories: Acquisition and Merger.
response = rd.discovery.search(
view = "Organisations",
filter = "OrganisationStatus xeq 'Delisted' and RCSCountryHeadquartersLeaf eq 'Uni ted States'",
select ="DocumentTitle,CommonName, DelistedDate, OrganisationStatus,DTCharacteristics, FormOfTransactionCode, ReasonDelisted",
top = 1000

Given these constraints, I've decided to make the best of the available data.
My current objective is to delve deeper into the specifics of Acquisition and Merger deals to enable the calculation of Delisting Returns for these companies. To achieve this, I've been exploring the DealsMergersAndAcquisitions View, which offers a plethora of fields that could potentially aid in my analysis. However, I've encountered a significant hurdle: the API does not support the simultaneous use of two Views.
What I aim to do is integrate certain selectors from the DealsMergersAndAcquisitions View into the Organisation View or combine data from two views for the same companies into one. This integration would allow me to maintain a comprehensive list of delisted companies, complete with reasons for delisting and detailed information about the corresponding deals. Does anyone know how to accomplish this integration effectively?
Would appreciate any help! Thank you in advance!