We are trying to send a stop (market) order using the C# Redilib API and are trying to send via GS Smart Order Algo. However, we are not having much success. We are aware that we should be able to test order submission with VBA Excel using one of the using one of REDI VBA Excel Examples on GitHub (Order Entry Single - US Options), but we do not have this setup. Why can't the required fields be posted in a document somewhere?
Send a Redi Excel VBA "Stop Limit" order with Goldman Sachs. - Forum | Refinitiv Developer Community
new_order.Symbol = Symbol;
new_order.Side = Side; // (Side == "BUY" ? "SELL" : "BUY");
new_order.PriceType = "SOR GSDE";
new_order.Exchange = "GSCO ALGO";
new_order.Quantity = Quantity;
new_order.TIF = "Day";
new_order.Account = Account;
new_order.StopPrice = StopPrice;
new_order.SetNewVariable("(MB) Order Type", "Stop");
new_order.SetNewVariable("(MB) Stop", StopPrice);