Hello, I was referred to the forum via Codebook support (Case 13704675, if helpful).
I am using Python 3 in Codebook within the Workspace app (1.24.159).
I have been obtaining different results in Codebook for the same query. This occurs even when the query is re-run on the same day. For example, I ran the query twice (the second query ~30 mins after the first) and obtained inconsistent results (i.e., in one query a value would be null and in the other it would be populated). I also ran the query a third time on the same day and curiously only received 3 columns back (vs 26 columns in the other two queries) with almost completely all null values.
The explanation provided for the inconsistent results across the first two queries, as well for why not all columns would be returned as in the third query was API usage and limits and I was referred to this page: https://developers.lseg.com/en/api-catalog/eikon/eikon-data-api/documentation#eikon-data-api-usage-and-limits-guideline
From my reading, given my query, any potential issue would be around “requests,” and not datapoints or response volume. I’m including my query below, as well as a walk through of each of the limit restrictions listed on the site above and my evaluation of each. My most basic question is what constitutes a request and what portions of my code would count as a single request. I’ve highlighted the areas of potential applicability with clarifying questions.
Call-based limit
- Request per second – 5 requests per second
- What constitutes as request? What portion of the above code constitutes a single request?
- Response volume per minute – 50 MB per minute
- My resulting output is a txt file with a size of 1.2MB. It takes ~5mins to produce this, I don’t believe this is an issue.
- Datapoints returned per request:
- I am using get_data
- No enforced limit for version 1.1.0+
- Server timeout around 300 seconds – what does this mean?
Daily limits
- Requests per day – 10k requests per day
- What constitutes a request? If I run the above code 10x (with input list each of 10k), does that count as 10 requests or 100,000 requests?
- Response volume per day – 5GB per day/50 MB per minute
- Resulting output is 1.2MB – not an issue
A screenshot of the code being run is below. It completes without error.

Where field_list = ['TR.RIC',
input_list1 is a list with 10k elements.