Having difficulty with using the Application.Run "WorkspaceRefreshWorksheet" VBA function on Workspace. I found the information below on refreshing worksheets:
2 - EikonRefreshWorksheet takes a third optional parameter worksheetToRefresh. This is the name of the worksheet to refresh. It can be in "[Book1]Sheet1" format to refresh a sheet in a workbook that isn't in the foreground. Or just "Sheet1" which will look for the sheet in the ActiveWorkbook.
But still getting an error when running the code below:
Dim curvesbook_USD As String
curvesbook_USD = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Call Application.Run("WorkspaceRefreshWorksheet", True, 10000, CStr("[" & curvesbook_USD & "]" & "ReutersUSD_hist"))
Does "WorkspaceRefreshWorksheet" allow for a third parameter to assign a worksheet name like on "EikonRefreshWorksheet"?
Thank you.