I am looking to connect to DataScope API via UiPath using their HTTP Request activity. UiPath is a 3rd party RPA software that automates processes with out of the box "low code" activities. The HTTP Request activity allows me to set API end point and attach/configure parameters in a user friendly Wizard box. So I can't see all the code only the code I attached. Anyone able to help out on this?
Below is how UiPath allows you to configure API request and the resulting error I get. Also below is the actual request I'm trying to make (DSSTest.txt).


"Asset Status",
"Asset Type",
"Bid Price",
"Currency Code",
"File Code",
"Ask Price",
"High Price",
"Low Price",
"Mid Price",
"Net Asset Value",
"Offer Price",
"Official Close Price",
"Open Price",
"Previous Close Price",
"Security Description",
"Trade Date"